bringing reproach on jehovahs name----
ha ha----cant the almighty god do something about it ? or maybe the watchtower society arent being too honest about it.
listening to the first survivor testify to the australian royal commission really brought back some feelings i had put aside.. the feelings of guilt you feel for doing the right thing is extremely hard even when you know it's illogical it doesn't stop the abuse you do to yourself with these toxic thoughts of "dragging jehovah's name through the mud" i guess it doesn't help that you have the elders freaking out saying "reproach, reproach...this is bad!!
it took quite awhile for me to come to terms with how completely ridicules it is to think jehovah would want this hidden.
the truth is the religion wants it hidden and they are perfectly fine with destroying lives along the way!!
bringing reproach on jehovahs name----
ha ha----cant the almighty god do something about it ? or maybe the watchtower society arent being too honest about it.
i just heard this a few minutes ago by a jw friend who is still an elder in my old hall.
the kingdom hall i used to attend and my mom still attends was paid off many years ago and serves about 6 congregations.
one of the english congregations has a lot of financially well of members.
a friend of mine that is df went to hall today someone held door for him he thanked them ,soon after and elder aproached wispered in his ear "you cant talk to anyone" the pharisees .
for years i've been screwed with by some very bad people, people satan would kick out of his organization because even the devil might let up on evil just to allow someone to catch their breath.
with the jwism's bad people move up while good people move down or leave the kingdom hall for good.
i was talking with two elders who said "you know if you return to the kingdom hall, jehovah will bless you and these people will stop screwing with you.
mrs phizzy ran into a jw lady from a neighbouring congo who has known us since we were teenagers, before we married, sometime in the pleistocene era lol.. during the conversation said lady asked if mrs phizzy was going to the r.c, to which mrs phizzy replied, "oh you haven't heard, we no longer go to meetings".. the jw lady then came back with the question in the thread title, which mrs phizzy handled well.. the point of this is though, what a god-awful, stupid, cult-minded question to ask !.
did she think we woke up one morning and thought "we don't love god anymore" ??
would that happen to anyone ?.
maybe i would say--" oh yes--i still love jehovah-------but--evidently he doesnt love me anymore !"
err--no. i would just burst out laughing and call her a looney.
several threads on here about the excellent bbc r4 programme this week ('the report') focussing on rape and abuse in barry, south wales, jws.
fat pervert mark sewell later got 14 years and i hope he is enjoying every minute of it.. the courageous ladies who spoke on the programme were articulate, reasonable and made a tremendous impression.. the quote in the thread title made an impression on me, and i hope, on all listeners.. forget religious, theological, 'biblical' issues and cut to the basics.
a rape victim was asked to demonstrate - to demonstrate, ffs - to three unqualified (middle-aged at least, presumably) men just how far her legs were apart when she was raped.. i have rarely heard anything so outrageous, and i used to investigate rape and abuse in my profession.
a friend of mine--an ex jw----ive known her since she was a baby. shes late 40's now.
she was d/f'd in her late teens for sexual misconduct. apparently the elders made her describe--in graphic detail---her private behaviour.
this cannot be right--surely?
are there any written instructions from the watchtower society as to how these elders conduct these hearings--? what questions are required ? does any one know ?
_________________________________________________________________ in fact---her ( late ) parents were very good friends of mine--back in the late 60's--when i was a dub. in another thread i mentioned some ex jw women with various illnesses--well--this poor lady has more than her fare share. she only "came out" about no longer being a jw in recent years after her mum died. she had now been shunned by her natural sisters--just when she needs them the most.
her dad--long gone--would turn in his grave if he had known how the cult would tear his family apart.
back in the 50's, when i was just a skinny kid, my father became po of a new congregation.
he'd only been baptised for around 4 years, so his rise was quite remarkable.just one of his flock in the new cachement area was of the "remnant".
this lady was well into her 60's, childless but married.
several threads on here about the excellent bbc r4 programme this week ('the report') focussing on rape and abuse in barry, south wales, jws.
fat pervert mark sewell later got 14 years and i hope he is enjoying every minute of it.. the courageous ladies who spoke on the programme were articulate, reasonable and made a tremendous impression.. the quote in the thread title made an impression on me, and i hope, on all listeners.. forget religious, theological, 'biblical' issues and cut to the basics.
a rape victim was asked to demonstrate - to demonstrate, ffs - to three unqualified (middle-aged at least, presumably) men just how far her legs were apart when she was raped.. i have rarely heard anything so outrageous, and i used to investigate rape and abuse in my profession.
a friend of mine--an ex jw----ive known her since she was a baby. shes late 40's now.
she was d/f'd in her late teens for sexual misconduct. apparently the elders made her describe--in graphic detail---her private behaviour.
this cannot be right--surely?
are there any written instructions from the watchtower society as to how these elders conduct these hearings--? what questions are required ? does any one know ?
i saw this on a public user group for jw's .
the librarian [email protected].
the caption reads:.
Could you be more specific or elaborate a bit more stan ?
how about fibro myalgia ? i know several female ex jws who have it--yet i dont know anyone else who has. i'd never heard of it before.
earlier this week i bumped into a couple of jws who i recognised from the cult cart.
a few months ago i had a long conversation with him one of them and found him to be quite friendly.
he is new to the area in the years since i left.. this time he was very defensive and said he wasn't allowed to talk to me.
They think if they stick their hear further in the sand it will go away.
wrong location i think---up their arses more likely